Prémios - Independent Spirit Awards - 1995-2004

Prémios nacionais

Festivais de cinema

Prémios da Crítica

De género (prémios especiais)



2004 - 19th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Documentary Feature

Best International Film

Special Distinction Award

John Cassavetes Award

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award

2003 - 18th Independent Spirit Awards


Best Director


Best Male Lead


Best Female Lead


Best Supporting Male


Best Supporting Female

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Documentary Feature

Best International Film

John Cassavetes Award

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award


2002 - 17th Independent Spirit Awards


Best Director


Best Male Lead


Best Female Lead


Best Supporting Female

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Documentary Feature

Best International Film

John Cassavetes Award

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award

2001 - 16th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best First Feature - Under $500,000

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best Documentary Feature

Best International Film

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award

2000 - 15th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature - Over $500,000

Best First Feature - Under $500,000

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award

1999 - 14th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award

1998 - 13th Independent Spirit Awards


Best Feature


Best Director


Best Male Lead


Best Female Lead


Best Supporting Male


Best Supporting Female

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Producers Award


1997 - 12th Independent Spirit Awards


Best Feature


Best Director


Best Male Lead


Best Female Lead


Best Supporting Male


Best Supporting Female

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Truer than Fiction Award

Someone to Watch Award

1996 - 11th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Special Distinction Award

Someone to Watch Award

1995 - 10th Independent Spirit Awards

Best Feature

Best First Feature

Best Director

Best Male Lead

Best Female Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Debut Performance

Best Screenplay

Best First Screenplay

Best Cinematography

Best International Film

Special Distinction Award

Someone to Watch Award

Friends of Independence Award