Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

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StanislausO Terceiro Homem(1949) 

A prime example of a noir film that I still liked more than six decades after it was made. Gloomy atmosphere, a criminal plot, an unexpected twist, a lot of very well and effectively used shadows – The Third Man has all… (mais)

DaViD´82Dark Passage(1947) 

A Bogart movie - about him, with him, but without him. In terms of cinema, Dark Passage is inventive, Bogart-tough, Bacall-cool, mutually electric, but for god’s sake, what’s with the screenplay? You would be hard… (mais)

kaylinDe Ilusão Também Se Vive(1947) 

It's one of those beautiful stories you like to revisit, especially a film with such a lovely concept, like a courtroom trial about whether a person is truly Santa Claus or not. This is just such a beautiful idea that… (mais)