Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

Data de lançamento desconhecida  







An inconsistent classic. Boris Karloff is great and the individual scenes are brilliantly shot, but they are somehow mechanically, uninterestingly patched together into a single bland whole whose cardinal handicap is… (mais)

MattyTempos Modernos(1936) 

Until modern times, the Tramp belonged to viewers. Unlike Buster Keaton, he avoided longer-term commitments whenever possible. He flirted with girls, even cautiously kissed them at an unguarded moment, but he was not… (mais)

LimaKing Kong(1933) 

Probably, the greatest monster movie ever made. A classic that belongs to the now forgotten Lost World genre, which was extremely popular during the global economic crisis and which was popularised by film adaptations… (mais)

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