Apple TV+ - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Apple TV+

Data de lançamento desconhecida  






J*A*S*MTempos Modernos(1936) 

Either my demands for humour are too high (I don’t think so), or everyone is judging this old film taking its history into account. I can’t give a better rating to a comedy that doesn’t make me laugh.


Um clássico cheio contradições. Boris Karloff é fantástico e as cenas individuais são brilhantemente filmadas, mas são de alguma forma conectadas mecanicamente e sem interesse num resultado sem sabor, cuja desvantagem… (mais)

gudaulinTempos Modernos(1936) 

The personality of Charlie Chaplin does not represent an indisputable symbol of artistic mastery for me, as only a few of his films have appealed to me in the past, and even fewer interest me today. The ones that I… (mais)

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