Prime Video - Plataformas de streaming (VOD)

Prime Video

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Os melhores filmes do serviço de streaming


kaylinSwamp Thing(1982) 

Even though the American production Swamp Thing has a pretty straightforward narrative and feels like a B-movie featuring a popular comic book character, it really appealed to me. It is very simple and I liked that.… (mais)

POMOThe Train(1964) 

The Train is an example of first-class filmmaking craftsmanship, the precision of which (together with the subject matter) reminded me of Bryan Singer’s Valkyrie. It is an engaging thriller that’s always one step ahead… (mais)

lampsE.T. - O Extra-Terrestre(1982) 

There is no other film in the world that so purely and beautifully shows the mood of its creator as E.T. Spielberg spent his childhood more or less without a father, as a rather asocial dork from the suburbs, with his… (mais)

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