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Críticas (1 159)


Zootrópolis (2016) 

inglês My child self had a wonderful day today! This is thanks to the amazing city of Zootropolis, which is full of cute animals of different sizes and personalities. It makes me so happy that someone can come up with something so magical and play with every little detail. In short, it's an incredibly uplifting film with an upbeat soundtrack that makes you want to dance and scream "I can do it!" when you don't even know what it is you can do. So if you need to recharge your batteries or at least get a taste of that childlike enthusiasm again for a few minutes, go check it out. 5 stars. How about making a whole movie about the sloths? :)


Warcraft: O Primeiro Encontro de Dois Mundos (2016) 

inglês So once again, I threw my preconceptions aside and almost completely volunteered to go to the cinema to see Warcraft. I had no idea what orcs were beforehand, and I found their teeth and general appearance quite laughable. Honestly, in the first few minutes, as fans of the game began to excitedly whisper their first impressions amongst each other, I mentally cursed myself for being there. But fine, it'll get better. I'll at least try getting into the normal people who act in it. Yeah, that Lothar guy's pretty cute. The queen's not completely off base, either. Aside from the teeth, Garona's actually pretty cool, too. Screw the teeth, she's great. And Durotan is the best orc in the world. Oh, my God, I like orcs! Is it over yet? Why?! It was just so much better than I expected, and I really want a second one. 4 stars.


Descendants of the Sun (2016) (série) 

inglês Likeable actors, a bunch of great lines, two romantic storylines, a military setting, a great soundtrack, beautiful Zakynthos masquerading as Uruk, and many other positives elevate Descendants of the Sun to something you must see. I also formed a stronger attachment to the series because a few weeks after it had aired I visited the cafe in Incheon where several key scenes were filmed and also experienced firsthand how much Koreans can fall for a story from television. The soundtrack was playing in almost every establishment, Joong-Ki Song had become the face of pretty much everything, every other song in the karaoke bar was also from the show, and there were more of those cute big-headed stuffed animals on the shelves than ramyeon. I know, in a few days it'll all go away again, and there'll be a new story. Still, it's incredible what Descendants had managed to do in a few weeks, and not just with all of Seoul. 4.5 stars.


She Was Pretty (2015) (série) 

inglês Who knew the Kill me, Heal Me siblings would end up surprising me like this? After watching the aforementioned series, I had planned instead to avoid them, but fate had other plans. And so they both got a second chance to make me like them. Seo-joon Park did a pretty good job. I acknowledge that he's got what it takes to play a leading role, and I'm really looking forward to his next work. Jeong-eum Hwang was about a hundred times better than what I remembered from last time, but there was still something about her that bothered me. Maybe if she had slowed down a bit and hadn't overacted so much. Because when she's not yelling and flailing around, she's pretty cool. But more importantly, the two of them are incredibly compatible. Not just in appearance, but also in the characters written for them. All in all, it would have been a great series, their childhood friendship had its charm, I'll miss everyone in the newsroom a lot, and the main character's friend was cool too. And yet! The reason I even dream about this series, and the one who made me laugh countless times, but also cry, and made it a heartwarming series for me, is the bearded, crazy, and incredibly sexy Siwon, whose voice and face cast a magical spell on me. The last time I was done in like that was maybe by Eric in Spy MyeongWol. So four stars for the show, one huge one for the divine Siwon... or is it the other way around? Whatever, it's just 5 stars and I love Siwon!


Só podiam ser Irmãs (2015) 

inglês Of all the movies about a bunch of losers destroying their parents' entire house in one night, this is one of the better ones. What's funnier and more desperate at the same time is that this disaster isn't caused by teenagers, but by two grown women with a group of kinky friends. Half of the jokes cracked in the film are either disgusting, crude, or just plain lame. It's just that once the party got going, I stopped caring and just shook my head in disbelief at what else these girls could come up with. One viewing was enough, but it wasn't too much of a disaster.


Deo pon (2015) 

inglês Sometimes the best movies are just the ones that fall into our laps and we don't expect anything from them. The Phone is one of those for me. About a minute after learning of its existence, I found myself at the beginning of a really well made thriller that has two big aces. The first is the charismatic Hyeon-joo Son, who was simply born for this type of film. And the second is the excellent plot. A simple example of the fact that there's no need for more. 4.5 stars.


Oh My Venus (2015) (série) 

inglês I guess I'm not a viewer of very demanding tastes at all. I just liked it a lot. As expected, the most beautiful Min-ah Shin and the great Ji-sub So made an absolutely divinely cute couple together that sparkled. I could have torn a gut laughing and almost melted over them in the last few episodes. I guess it's because I really like both actors who portrayed the main couple, so I didn't mind that there was hardly anything much going on towards the end. I just enjoyed watching the two of them goofing around together, worrying about each other and teasing each other. On top of that, I enjoyed the duo of Henry and the Champion. Flashbacks are an ordeal on shows I don't like. There were plenty of them here, but I wasn't bored by them, even in this quantity. Praise should also go to the makeup artists, who managed to add a decent few extra pounds to Min-ah Shin's body and it didn't look completely unnatural. Even if it wasn't 100% from some angles at times. The only major flaw for me in the end was In-yeong Yoo in the role of the perpetually pouty hillbilly. 4.5 stars.


Kilmi, hilmi (2015) (série) 

inglês I was beginning to think I'd never finish Kill Me, Heal Me. But the excellent Seong Ji, whose performance was constantly jaw-dropping, convinced me to go on. And believe it or not, I'm really glad I did. Because the second half of the series is a different cup of coffee. Suddenly things start to spark between the main couple, there's real emotion, and the plot is so interesting that I couldn't tear myself away from it a number of times. One surprise is followed by another even bigger surprise and you want so badly to know how it's going to turn out. Even my dislike for the main character cooled a bit because she finally wasn't screaming and crying for no reason. Besides, the one who made me cry the most was Seong Ji anyway... I would give the first half barely two stars, the second half I would easily give four. As a whole, 3 stars. Oh, and a plus for the nice soundtrack.


Teorie tygra (2016) 

inglês I don't think we have a more charismatic actor in our country than Jiří Bartoška. He's just so good in front of the camera. And with The Tiger Theory he scores full marks with me. Everything natural, no spasms, and good humor, this time making fun of us women. So give Czech film a chance and go to the cinema again. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I was, for sure... 4.5 stars.


Dvojníci (2016) 

inglês For someone who wanted to pick up my feet and run out of the cinema during that first scene in the car, I ended up enjoying the film. In fact, if Kohák had been silent the entire time during those first few minutes, it would have been funnier. Believe it or not, before the transformation, the life of a teacher and his music-playing wife was a lot funnier than that of the thief Simona herself wants to get into the yoke. After the transformation, it's fun on both fronts. Sokol is having a blast and comes across as a natural. Etzler scores points too, giving me probably one of the biggest fits of laughter since I was a teenager. I'm just not sure about Nárožný. A stronger 3 stars.