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Críticas (10 817)


Black Summer - Season 2 (2021) (temporadas) 

inglês The great thing about Dark Summer is that even though it might be "just another zombie show," it is still entertaining. Dark Summer works perhaps better than the first season, even though it takes place in winter. There is no fat on its bones, with only eight episodes in the second season, so viewers do not have time to start feeling bored. Although such a short season could fail at sucking viewers in, this is not the case with season two of Dark Summer.


Castlevania - Season 4 (2021) (temporadas) 

inglês The American television show Castlevania has a strong British vibe due to the British actors providing the characters' voices. It also has a strong Japanese influence, thanks to the superb animation. This animated TV series is worth watching, and you are not going to get bored because of the especially good action scenes plus some great gory fight scenes. It really is good to see vampires portrayed as real badass guys again.


Exército dos Mortos (2021) 

inglês I found the American movie Army of the Dead surprisingly good. It was good because the producers introduced us to some great characters, and generally, they were not badly written or flat. Even the main villain is great, and decidedly not flat. The movie gets quite emotional, so I thought Army of the Dead works well in the end.


Mortal - Season 2 (2021) (temporadas) 

inglês The second season of the French supernatural television series Mortel is what you would predict, a show where its universe grows. It stands to reason that there are no guys in spandex, just some regular guys gifted with unique powers by a god. I am enjoying it so far, even though I admit that Mortel is not something I would want to revisit.


O Bando (2021) (série) 

inglês Being way too correct is not the main problem with The Irregulars. The problem is that it is way too predictable. On the surface, it all looks nice enough, and production-wise, this television show does not disappoint. However, the show brings nothing to the table. The decent horror atmosphere is killed by a clichéd narrative where perhaps not a single character is developed well except for Watson. Ultimately, I almost feel sorry that the producers of this show used familiar characters and did not develop their own.


A Ilha da Fantasia (2020) 

inglês The American movie Fantasy Island is a kind of fantasy horror morality tale, although it works quite well as an entertaining production from my perspective. It is, however, quite predictable, and another issue is that it is not particularly imaginative. However, I actually found myself quite enjoying this horror movie as I did not think it was too bad in the end.


A Maldição da Mansão Bly - A Maldição da Mansão Bly (2020) (temporadas) 

inglês The Haunting of Bly Manor is definitely an original horror television series. My problem was that it was more of a romantic drama, albeit a drama with supernatural elements. Admittedly, that suits the genre of ghost stories that focus more on the atmosphere than being necessarily scary, although I think it does not seem to work for a modern television show.


A Ordem - Season 2 (2020) (temporadas) 

inglês The second season of The Order is not really very groundbreaking. Katharine Isabelle stands out head and shoulders above the rest of the cast, who seem to be going through the motions. I like Isabelle even though that is simply because I was already a fan, and admittedly she is getting on in years. Acting-wise, though, she is something else and thankfully not as annoyingly cute as other actors who get more screen time.


Ares (2020) (série) 

inglês When you watch the television series Ares, you could think, this could be something that is pretty sick, and perhaps there is some perverted cult. However, that is definitely not how the first season turns out. It is all quite stilted and more about how it looks visually and feels artistically than it is about actually building an atmosphere. Sure, there are some hints of an atmosphere, even though it does not reach the point where the viewer could be shaken. Well, except for the opening.


Até ao Amanhecer (2020) (programa) 

inglês Fortunately, the French series Until Dawn is a very quick snack that is easy to wolf down, although it is just as easily forgotten. It is forgettable because there is simply no point in expecting any terrifying or entertaining scenes. In addition, unfortunately, this miniseries was supposed to be fun yet just somehow failed in that regard because it is also woefully short on laughs.