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Críticas (7 691)


Tulsa King - Caprice (2022) (episódio) 

inglês Wow! The situation improved rapidly, and I enjoyed the third episode much more than the previous one. A lot happened in the forty-minute runtime, so I can't complain about a lack of entertainment. On the contrary, the creators filled the episode with action and great humor. Dwight Manfredi made sure that I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue. And as if that weren't enough, the main hero effortlessly crossed the generation gap again this time, which, considering his birth date, I find to be an admirable performance. Before I started watching the series, I thought Oklahoma was a relatively peaceful and boring state, but now I'm not so sure about that anymore. / Lesson learned: The profession of a driving instructor is risky for many reasons.


Tulsa King - Center of the Universe (2022) (episódio) 

inglês The second episode was even less eventful than the previous one, yet I cannot say I didn't enjoy it. However, my entertainment was provided solely by Dwight "Cinque Stelle" Manfredi, whose one-liners kept me engaged while the plot stagnated. The creators focused mainly on keeping everything politically correct, so important matters were pushed to the sidelines. Instead, the focus was on who had the right to wear dreadlocks. When I add to that the somewhat clichéd subplot with the daughter, it becomes quite clear why I slightly lowered my rating this time. I have no choice but to hope for better days. / Lesson learned: Even organic products can surprise you.


Tulsa King - Go West, Old Man (2022) (episódio) 

inglês I often hear the opinion that Sylvester Stallone is not exactly an amazing actor. If I hadn't seen Oscar and Demolition Man, I would agree that he is only fit for action movies. The fact is, when he is right for the role, Sly still brings me joy even in his advanced age, and I would say that the role of Dwight fits him. The pace of the first episode wasn't exactly fast, but the plot got me hooked, so I'm looking forward to the next episode, which, unfortunately, doesn't happen with every series for me. If the creators don't mess something up, the old-school gangster transported to today's crazy times could work well for me, especially since he is occasionally surprised by new technologies and has to overcome the age gap. Plus, I really enjoy listening to Stallone's voice, so I'm really glad that I didn't watch the dubbed version. / Lesson learned: Old practices can become new again in the present.


O Diabo Veste Prada (2006) 

inglês Despite feminists insisting relentlessly that there are no differences between men and women, I believe that this particular film is enjoyed more by women (and by men with a tendency towards fashion design and hairstyling). However, I don't reject it myself, even though it was full of clichés and quite predictable. It was a very undemanding comedy, which is why I found it quite relaxing. I even laughed at some of the jokes. I don't particularly like Anne Hathaway, but I'm very fond of Meryl Streep, who can give an excellent performance even when the movie is complete nonsense. Emily Blunt is pleasing to the eye, and Stanley Tucci is an actor I always look forward to seeing. I wasn't ecstatic, but on the other hand, I don't consider it a waste of time. / Lesson learned: Clothes make the man. But who makes the clothes?


O Mundo por Philomena Cunk - No princípios... (2022) (episódio) 

inglês Philomena Cunk, portrayed by Diane Morgan, is a great character for me because she perfectly captures the level of education of a large part of today's YouTubers and other influencers. Except Philomena is smarter because she knows that Greece is in Europe and that there is a sea between it and Egypt. You need at least average intelligence to distinguish between facts and humor to watch this miniseries. If you meet this condition, you could find "Humans vs. Cows 2D" amusing. As for me, I learned something new as well. Now I know that when a repairman, such as a plumber with a unibrow, comes to me, I won't panic because they might not be stupid at all and could have really skillful upper legs. I have also found out that ancient Egyptians treated homeless people terribly, and that I shouldn't build a house under an angry hill. I also finally understood the principle on which a wheel works. / Lesson learned: Want to always be right? Be confident and convincing.


Wandinha - Season 1 (2022) (temporadas) 

inglês As I have already said in my reviews, Wednesday, as portrayed by Christina Ricci in the 90s, remains unbeaten for me. I will admit, however, that Jenna Ortega was fantastic and very capable. The problem with the first season primarily lay with the screenwriters because the story failed to draw me in. It turned out that it was nothing more than the usual high school romance and some ripped-off ideas hidden under an appealing façade. The screenwriters even reached a point where I no longer cared about the protagonist, even though Wednesday has always been my favorite member of the Addams family. As far as I'm concerned, it was a wasted opportunity, and I think it's a shame. / Lesson learned: Even a great actor can run into trouble when they have nothing to play.


Wandinha - Confrontando desgostos (2022) (episódio) 

inglês Oh well. As expected, nothing was surprising about the first season's finale. What I started suspecting in the second episode proved right, so the only thing that could save me from complete disappointment would have been a perfectly handled confrontation with evil. However, that did not happen for several reasons. The local Voldemort was a pitiful and uninteresting figure, the CGI wasn't very impressive, the sudden loss of the main heroine's abilities was a typical contrivance of incompetent screenwriters (yes, I have seen this many times before), the gods popped out of machines like jacks-in-the-box, and the whole thing felt dull and haphazardly put together. But it was enough for its target audience. / Lesson learned: Like a fool who, as a child, considered provoking the residents of a wasp nest as an exciting experience (until the actual execution), I can confirm that neither a shotgun nor a pistol will help a person against enraged stinging insects :-)


Wandinha - Se não me conhece ainda… (2022) (episódio) 

inglês The seventh episode was as bad as the previous one. With how Wednesday conducts her investigation, I dare to assume that her detective novel will be quite weak. Sure, it's not Wednesday's fault; it's the screenwriter's, who apparently enjoys the current witch hunts (and by witches, I mean white heterosexuals), where all it takes is an accusation. The crowd takes care of the verdict (they just wave their iPhones around instead of pitchforks and torches). The search for the Monster is annoying because I've been waiting for six episodes for the person I've suspected since the second episode. What disappointed me the most was the fact that Wednesday smiled at least four times. WTF?!?!?! / Lesson learned: If you expect quality from Netflix, you're obviously naive. With honorable exceptions. 2*-


Wandinha - Toma lá, não dá cá (2022) (episódio) 

inglês The story keeps dragging, the desperate suffering of both potential "lovers" is getting on my nerves, and I was right in my suspicion that this would be nothing more than a poorly disguised high school romance in an unconventional setting. As if that wasn't enough, the characters (including the protagonist) are so poorly written that I have stopped caring about their fates. Just two more episodes, so I guess I will make it to the end. / Lesson learned: If someone threw a surprise party for me, I would have a long and very unpleasant conversation with them. 2*-


Wandinha - Quem planta desgosto, colhe… (2022) (episódio) 

inglês The fifth episode was just filler. I have already gotten used to this phenomenon in TV shows. Eight episodes have been planned, so there will be eight, even if half of them are entirely pointless. The story took a break, disguised as a need to obtain vital information that perfectly ties the thirty-year past with the present. There were too many shortcomings for me, though. Wednesday sticks so perfectly to her character that she has become boring. I didn't enjoy the Addams family at all, even though Catherine Zeta-Jones looks great as Morticia. There is not much to say about the rest of the cast at school. I was amused only by the fishing scene. Sirens have the most pathetic storyline, but at least it's the real Netflix, and Eugene was visited by both of his mothers. / Lesson learned: Don't eat deadly nightshade unless you want to turn blue.