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Moana 2 (2024) - Trailer 3

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As séries mais visitadas

Eric (2024)

Nem Mais Uma (2024)

Mayor of Kingstown (2021)

Fallout (2024)

Geek Girl (2024)

The Outlaws (2021)

Sugar (2024)

Baby Reindeer (2024)

The Sympathizer (2024)

Começa nos cinemas

Dalva (2022)

desde 13/06/2024 13/06

O Homem dos Teus Sonhos (2023)

desde 13/06/2024 13/06

Pedágio (2023)

desde 13/06/2024 13/06

The Exorcism (2024)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

O Teu Rosto Será o Último (2023)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

Guardiana de dragones (2024)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

A Quimera (2023)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

A Febre de Petrov (2021)

desde 06/06/2024 06/06

Começa em serviços de streaming

Mayor of Kingstown (2021) (série)


The Outlaws (2021) (série)

BBC iPlayer

Jim Henson Idea Man (2024)


En del av dig (2024)


Nem Mais Uma (2024) (série)


How to Ruin Love (2024) (série)


We Are Lady Parts (2021) (série)

All 4

Eric (2024) (série)


Viktor Bringt’s (2024) (série)

Prime Video

Novas críticas dos utilizadores de TOPO

Mar adentro

KakaMar adentro(2004)

A more melancholic and weepy version of Me Before You in the lower middle class. Javier Bardem is excellent, there are some great ideas and some interesting dialogue, but it's primarily the strength of the premise and its existential overtones than how it's executed. The love triangle was like something cut out of a…

Leave the World Behind

KakaLeave the World Behind(2023)

A more thoughtful, tense and overall more minimalist version of Civil War with a gradually escalating atmosphere in the style of Take Shelter. Technically outstanding. Great cinematography and editing. Superb acting, a shame some elements were left unexplained and perhaps the conclusion was too rushed given the…

Profissão: Perigo

KakaProfissão: Perigo(2024)

A tribute to a difficult profession, which it's a shame doesn't have its own category at the Oscars. Fall Guy is certainly not popcorn for everyone, which is why it will have a difficult time with high box office and general acceptance. For the average viewer, it's far too loaded with references, innuendo and props…

Vestida Para Matar

DaViD´82Vestida Para Matar(1980)

Undisguisedly Hitchcockian. The script is very stupid, but what Brian De Palma spoils as a screenwriter, he makes up for mightily as a director. Plus, he's not afraid to use the skills of Ralf D. Bode and Pino Donaggio. More than one scene could have gone straight into the textbooks as an example of "how to slowly…

Contra Todos

3DD!3Contra Todos(2023)

This hammy romp about a deaf and dumb killer who has to overthrow a totalitarian regime spares no expense with absurd scenes, black humour and incredible action that combines the best of The Raid with childish imagination and naivety. The self-parody sequences where the protagonist tells the story in a video game…


Novas críticas de utilizadores progressistas

Haunted Spooks

StanislausHaunted Spooks(1920)

After the first (and from my side) lukewarmly received slapstick His Royal Slyness, I found Haunted Spooks to be perfect and brisk entertainment that has the right kind of spirit. It was all wonderfully dynamic and comic at the same time, and even though the plot wasn't groundbreaking, I still had fun, especially with…

Get Out and Get Under

StanislausGet Out and Get Under(1920)

Harold Lloyd as a dandy, a fop, and an unreal goofball in one of Hal Roach's many slapstick films. This time the "master" performs a perfect stunt with a car (truly admirable) while trying to catch a theatrical performance. In short, a car and Lloyd equals danger!

Blade Runner: Perigo Iminente

StanislausBlade Runner: Perigo Iminente(1982)

Blade Runner! For some, an icon of the sci-fi genre, or a cult film, but for me, a slightly above average film that kept me at arm's length mainly due to an overly drawn out plot and lackluster actors. On the technical side, it's a quality piece of work, all credit to Ridley Scott, but if I had to compare it to his…

O Couraçado Potemkine

StanislausO Couraçado Potemkine(1925)

A prime and textbook example of the Soviet montage school in the form of a breathtaking war drama that still has something to say to contemporary audiences more than 80 years later. I admire crowd scenes in films and there were plenty of them here, including one of the most visually impressive, the Odessa staircase.…

Very Annie Mary

StanislausVery Annie Mary(2001)

Annie Mary lives with her self-centred and "slightly" oppressive father and longs to break free from him and start a new life, possibly building on the singing successes of her youth. But awkwardness, clumsiness and bad luck are the attributes of this pitiful young woman, who at times I felt incredibly sorry for. For…


Os atores mais visitados

Anya Taylor-Joy (atrizatriz, nasc. 1996)
Cailee Spaeny (atrizatriz, nasc. 1997)
Emily Blunt (atrizatriz, nasc. 1983)
Chris Hemsworth (ator / produtorator / produtor, nasc. 1983)
Ryan Gosling (ator / produtor / realizadorator / produtor, nasc. 1980)
Timothée Chalamet (ator / produtorator / produtor, nasc. 1995)

Os criadores mais visitados

George Miller (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1945)
Alex Garland (argumentista / realizador / escritorargumentista / realizador, nasc. 1970)
Guy Ritchie (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1968)
Zack Snyder (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1966)
Clint Eastwood (realizador / produtor / atorrealizador / produtor, nasc. 1930)
James Cameron (realizador / argumentista / produtorrealizador / argumentista, nasc. 1954)


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