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Críticas (10 848)


Tarzan and the Amazons (1945) 

inglês At first, I was wondering why there's a guy ruling the Amazons, but eventually, I realized that it's still a woman after all. Archaeologists want to reach the treasure of the Amazons, Tarzan helps them, so he ends up on the wrong side, but he fixes everything in the end. Compared to the previous two episodes, it's a serious decline into boredom. I have a feeling that Jane's return has something to do with it.


Catfight (2016) 

inglês A fantastically absurd film where two classmates who never really liked each other meet. Their negative emotions come to a head, leading them to have a big fight on the staircase. One of them takes a serious blow to the head, waking up two years later. Everything is different. But this is just the beginning. There's plenty of absurdity here, but towards the end, it loses its charm.


Julchen und Jettchen, die verliebten Apothekerstöchter (1982) 

inglês Girls learn about sexuality and their bodies at school. It's pleasantly provocative, it's boldly done, and there's plenty to see, but it's not outright pornography. Simply put, it's a nice erotic film without any significant plot; girls meet each other, then meet men, and everything intertwines with sex.


The Institute (2017) 

inglês It's quite impressive how creative James Franco is, how he churns out acting performances, as well as directing and writing. Unfortunately, they are not always gems. It's very evident that Franco loves American authors and is well-read in them. This is reflected in The Institute, which aims to be a bit of horror, a bit of drama, a bit of thriller, but in reality, it's quite empty.


Fuga Pela Vida (2011) 

inglês Another film about how hard it is to fight for the truth when the only one fighting for it is you. Not to mention that if you don't reveal the truth, it could cost you your life. A very well-paced French thriller, which unfolds at a rapid pace and features well-developed and well-acted characters. The ride blew me away.


Spiderbabe (2003) 

inglês A dumb parody of Spider-Man and his basic origin story, with the added twist of lesbian scenes, but otherwise lacking a lot of money to make something out of it. Not to mention the lack of talent from the creators to create something that would be at least somewhat watchable. This is really bad and not pleasant to look at.


Tarzan's Desert Mystery (1943) 

inglês Honestly, I thought it would be a decline from the previous film Tarzan Triumphs, as the Nazis are a strong B-movie caliber, but the next film continues in this B-movie spirit, and the finale is a beautiful testament to that. That's where my B-movie heart danced, and this Tarzan was perhaps my favorite of all. For now.


Tarzan Triumphs (1943) 

inglês Tarzan and the Nazis? This sounds like a proper B-movie. Well, it's not exactly pure B-movie, but it does have a slightly different atmosphere, and the Nazis are truly present here, forcing Tarzan to confront them. It works, it's a little different, and it's not just a half-hearted effort to save Jane or the Boy, although that does happen. Only that woman has changed a bit for us.


Yi lu shun feng (2016) 

inglês Even if I were to watch the film just for that one scene where a helmet is cut through with a handsaw, it would be enough. This scene is so crazy that it has engraved itself into my memory, something many films fail to achieve as a whole. Raw, gritty, dramatic, simply well-executed with a story that isn't great but has good elements.


Just for the Hell of It (1968) 

inglês The film Just for the Hell of It isn't groundbreaking in its violence, nor is it groundbreaking in its message, but it's Herschell Gordon Lewis as his fans love him, and I'm glad I can revisit his films. Even though he won't make anything else, his films are here, often freely available, and I hope this wonderful trash will reach as many people as possible. Herschell will live on thanks to them.

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